Google Ads Management –
Pay Per Click Advertising

As a qualified and experience Google Ads partner we often meet clients who are unhappy with their current paid search marketing performance and are looking to improve their results.

We strive to understand how your business operates on an intimate level, including your customers, competitors, market and internal operations. From there we will craft a personalised paid marketing strategy to help you get from where you are now to where you need to go. Our team has a vast array of experiences in the digital space which makes us an ideal choice to propel your business results.

Google Adwords Search.

Adwords search is so powerful because it allows you target potential customers when their need for your product or service is at its greatest - that is, when they are searching for solutions.

Google Adwords Display.

Displaying ads about your product or service on the top websites in your industry was once reserved for large businesses with deep pockets. It is now possible for any business to display ads on their chosen websites on the display network.

Google Remarketing.

Returning visitors to a website are far more likely to convert than first timers. Using remarketing to display ads to previous visitors can dramatically increase the chance a prospect will return to your website.

Google Shopping.

For online merchants Google Shopping is a no-brainer. The ads are far more compelling than typical search ads with product images and pricing and you will often pay less per click.

Youtube / Video Advertising.

Youtube is now the second largest search engine in the world behind Google. However, it is comparatively untapped as a source to generate new business from advertising and could be a great opportunity for your business.

Landing Page Design.

Landing pages designed specifically for your Adwords and other PPC campaigns typically outperform standard website pages by a fair margin. If you want to extract the greatest possible ROI from campaigns a custom designed landing page could be the answer.

Multi-Network PPC Advertising.

Google Adwords is just one Advertising network among many. It pays to explore other options such as Adroll or Bing as well as native advertising platforms like Taboola or Outbrain and find the best fit for your business.

Our Results.

Results speak louder than words and over the years we have consistently exceeded client expectations in terms of desired results and ROI from advertising spend. Whatever your business goals, whether increasing enquiries or sales or decreasing advertising spend we can help tailor a program that is right for you.
Decrease in cost per lead
Return on eCommerce Campaigns
Increase in Conversions
Decrease in Cost Per Click
Increase in Click Through Rate
Improvement in Average Position

Testing & refinement.

Google advertising is essentially all about testing and fine-tuning your campaigns. These tests can include adding new keywords, match types, locations, audiences and more. We can schedule A/B tests for ad copy, or set up ‘experiment’ campaigns to test bigger changes such as bid strategies. This enables us to achieve measurable test results and build new campaigns

Reporting & analysis.

We provide comprehensive, detailed and fully customisable reports that keep you up-to-date with the progression and results of your PPC campaigns. Depending on your preference, these can be generated on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Google Ads FAQs

Are paid search and PPC the same?

Yes, these terms all refer to the same marketing model, where advertisers pay a certain amount each time an ad of theirs is clicked. Paid search, PPC, Pay Per Click and search engine advertising are all interchangeable terms that refer to the same thing.

What determines cost per click?

Cost per click (CPC) is a metric determined by various factors. The main factor: your quality score, maximum bid and the ad rank of competitors who bid for the same keywords.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimisation important in PPC?

Conversion Rate Optimisation is useful in all aspects of digital marketing. However, when it comes to CRO in PPC, by optimising your conversion rate, you can ensure that users not only land on relevant pages, but by doing so they are presented with all of the information they need.

The goal being for them to convert on that page, rather than leaving and potentially not converting (which would waste ad spend). The higher your conversion rate, the lower your cost per click, cost per conversion, but your ads also generally receive higher positions in the SERP.

What are negative keywords on Google Ads?

Negative keywords can be added to your Google Ads account to prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant queries, or to avoid crossover between ad groups and campaigns. For example you may have one ad group for exact brand terms, and one for customer support. You would therefore want to add negative keywords for customer service related terms to the specific campaign to avoid this showing to existing customers.

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